Most Americans Don't Think Their Freedoms Are 'World Class'

Most Americans Don't Think Their Freedoms Are 'World Class'

Most Americans don't think the U.S. is "world class" in terms of its freedoms or its quality of life, according to a poll released Friday to HuffPost.

The online survey from Angus Reid Global found that just 45 percent described America's democratic freedoms as "world class" or "above average," with the remainder rating the U.S. as "good enough," "below average" or "really poor." Only 30 percent rated the quality of life for most U.S. citizens as world class or above average, and just 26 and 20 percent, respectively, said that health care and public education are top-tier.

While a significant majority of Americans gave positive ratings to some government institutions, including NASA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, only a quarter viewed Congress favorably.

Just 38 percent of Americans thought the country was on the right track, and only 31 described themselves as more optimistic than worried about the country's future.

Other polls in the past year have found even less confidence that the U.S. is headed in the right direction, with an average of about 28 percent saying so.

Angus Reid used an online panel to survey 1,502 Americans between June 15 and June 23.

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