Happy Birthday To The Original Spitfire, Peggy Guggenheim

Happy Birthday, Peggy Guggenheim!
Art collector Peggy Guggenheim poses with paintings at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Oct. 22, 1942. (AP Photo)
Art collector Peggy Guggenheim poses with paintings at the Museum of Modern Art in New York City, Oct. 22, 1942. (AP Photo)

One hundred and eighteen years ago today, Peggy Guggenheim came into this world. Eight decades later, she was gone, her ashes scattered next to the buried bodies of her 14 beloved Lhasa Apsos. As with everything she collected -- from modern art to lovers -- the pooches reflected the owner's eccentric, memorable style. The Guggenheim Museum paid tribute today with a characteristic photo, posted to its official Instagram account, in which Peggy lounges with two members of her doggie brood, amidst, naturally, works of art.

Notably excluded from the Instagram post: Peggy's nickname for the museum itself, which was owned by an uncle (Solomon R. Guggenheim) who didn't exactly approve of her ways. The irony of her visionary collection eventually finding a home at his private temple did not escape her, and she made sure everyone knew it when she referred to "my uncle's garage, that Frank Lloyd Wright thing on Fifth Avenue." No one ever said Peggy was polite -- but then, that's why we love her.

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