The Year In Sex Writing

The Year In Sex Writing

I read about sex, constantly. At least five days a week, I do a Google News search for “sex.” It’s one of the first things I do each morning. Sometimes, before I’m even out of bed, I’m scrolling past story after story about sex crimes — because that’s sadly so much of what shows up. It can be a rude awakening, to say the least. But it’s worth it for the very rare gems — searing personal essays, fascinating reporting and hilarious trend pieces. As I look back at the year in sex writing, these are the pieces that stand out, the pieces that most validated that daily sex-news slog. (I’m excluding myself and Salon in general from the list, because to do otherwise would be lame, wouldn’t it?) Share the pieces I missed in the comments section and I might actually make a once-a-year except and read the comments.

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