Taking A Break From Technology Can Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Taking A Break From Technology Can Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

Taking a break from technology can actually help you to unlock your inner creativity.

Filmmaker Tiffany Shlain takes a "tech Shabbat" every Saturday, she explained in a conversation with HuffPost Live's Roy Sekoff at Davos on Friday. She and her family turn off all screens -- computers, phones, tablets, televisions, etc. -- every Friday night through Saturday night.

When she returns to her electronic devices on Saturday night, she feels that her imagination is renewed. "I always feel so creative on Sunday," Shlain said. "My mind has been daydreaming a lot on Saturday, being really kind of calm and time slows down."

As important as it is to unplug on special occasions and vacations, there's something special for Shlain about having a regular break from technology. "For me, it's knowing every week I get this day where there's nothing coming at me so quickly and I get to just ruminate with the things already in my mind and with nature."

Below, live updates from the 2015 Davos Annual Meeting:


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