Eugene Kaspersky: Cybersecurity Criminals 'Are Getting More And More Professional'

Eugene Kaspersky: Cybersecurity Criminals 'Are Getting More And More Professional'

Eugene Kaspersky, founder of the Kaspersky Lab, said there's both good and bad news about cybersecurity.

The good news is that leaders are starting to understand the issues with cybersecurity a bit more. The bad news is that cybersecurity issues do still exist and can cause major damage.

"It's not the end of the revolution, and unfortunately the bad guys, the criminals -- let's say they're criminals -- they are getting more and more professional," Kaspersky said.

Kaspersky specifically weighed in on the recent Sony hack, saying the incident is going to force the U.S. government to better understand cybersecurity "bad guys." He said he's not convinced North Korea was behind the attack, saying he doesn't "have any hard data to prove" that's true.

"It's very easy to point a finger to the wrong direction," Kaspersky said.

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