Three Ways to Get Your eCommerce Marketing Future Ready

The numbers continue to escalate for eCommerce sales which means the marketplace has become that much more competitive. Companies are devising new marketing tactics from Twitter sales to personalized ads to keep the cash flow booming.
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The numbers continue to escalate for eCommerce sales which means the marketplace has become that much more competitive. Companies are devising new marketing tactics from Twitter sales to personalized ads to keep the cash flow booming. The predicted number of online sales worldwide for 2015 is said to reach a whopping $23.9 trillion compared to last years $22.4 trillion. Can you imagine the marketing that must be implemented to hike these numbers up? The internet provides endless opportunities for creative marketing. Regardless of the size of your company you can take advantage of the tools at hand to keep those sales rolling!

1. Personalize the Online Shopping Experience: The more users are willing to provide detailed information the more personal you can make their experience. Both Bulu Box and Julep provide outstanding customer loyalty programs. Bulu's program gives customers the option to review products and take surveys every month to increase their points. This in turn keeps their customers engaged and provides them with useful feedback to help decide which products they should keep vs. what should be replaced. For a more personal experience, take a look at Julep who includes a style quiz as a part of their registration to help them select which products should be included in each personalized subscription box. Little touches like these really go a long way in satisfying both the customer and the retailer.

You don't have to be a big name to give your customers a great experience. If a customer has taken the time to register and provide their information rather than use a guest check out, give them a discount on their next purchase. It's okay to take that leap if it means having a repeat customer. Providing special offers to loyal customers not only helps enhance the experience but leaves them with a good impression. If your site offers a loyalty program or discounts for your customers they are more likely to not only return but spread the word to others interested in the service or product you provide. Take a look at Amazon for example-users can register for one free month of Amazon Prime and have access to free two day shipping. In 2014, Prime had climbed by 50 percent in the United States alone. Talk about success!

2. Target Mobile and Wearable Devices for Advertising: It's no surprise that by 2015 advertisements through mobile devices are at a peak. The number of mobile shoppers are increasing, especially among millennials. According to eMarketer, "when millennials use their smartphones for shopping, they are often pursuing a bargain. Annalect found two-thirds of U.S. millennial digital shoppers used smartphones to compare/check prices, and nearly as many to seek coupons and discounts." Once the best price is found they often use their smart phones right then and there to purchase. Who wants to miss out on a good deal?

Think to yourself, how many times have you made an impulse purchase on your phone whether it was for a good deal you found on Groupon or a nice shirt from your favorite store that was on clearance? Lack of investing in mobile advertisements can only decrease your chances of increasing your sales. While Google glasses and smartwatches have yet to officially take off, you can bet this will be your next place to start pumping out those ads. Advertisers are already targeting these wearable gadgets as the next ad frontier. These new devices open a whole new world for creative advertising. It's not too early to think of ways your brand can excel in this area!

3. Take Advantage of Social Media: While this may seem like a no brainer, utilizing your social media channels to the fullest is among the top marketing tactics for online retailers. Using channels such as Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter are all key to marketing towards your target audience. All eCommerce stores should be taking advantage of the new Facebook "buy button" which is proving to be a new way to shop online. Any channel that relies on light content and visual stimulation to attract customers should be your main focus. Word of mouth often spreads quicker through social media marketing and leaves room to create creative content to engage customers. Not only is social media where you can promote but where you will most likely get the most feedback.

Many customers turn to Facebook and Twitter to communicate with brands about the experience they have had, both positive and negative. Use this to your advantage, always promptly reply to customer reviews no matter what they are. Showing you care about each customer will only be to your benefit. Understanding your customer's wants and needs will help you come up with different promotions and content that will interest your audience and help increase your sales. The key to having an excellent social media strategy for your eCommerce business is to provide useful information whether it be short write ups on your product or service to sharing useful tips related to what you are offering. Adding value to their social media experience is number one in attracting and retaining customers.

The online marketplace is a place of rapid change, don't underestimate the importance of keeping up with industry trends, tactics and analytics to stay ahead of your competition. Take the time to research what your target audience values and how you can best get your message across in this highly competitive market. Don't be afraid to experiment with new tools and try new things to improve your marketing strategy.


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