5 Books Guys Should Not Read in Public

Whether you're reading by the pool or on the bus, these books are best left at home.
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Written by Michele Sponagle for: AmongMen.com

Whether you're reading by the pool or on the bus, these books are best left at home:

Too spicy: 50 Shades of Grey

You should read this book, even if it's not exactly your cup of tea, because your girlfriend and her gal pals are still titillated by it. You never know... You could pick up a trick or two from this steamy, twisted tale about love, seduction and power in the boudoir. But save it for your private time.

Too gross: The Origin of Feces: What Excrement Tells Us About Evolution, Ecology and a Sustainable Society

This new book by David Waltner-Toews may be a fascinating read, but the title alone would evoke some pretty strange looks from people around you. No matter how sincere the author is about explaining the larger implications of poop, you as reader would end up looking like a sicko.

Too messed up: The Glass Castle

This memoir opens with Walls seeing her mother dumpster diving, looking for food, in an alley in New York City. From there, it retraces her truly screwed up, dsyfunctional childhood with non-conformist parents, alcoholic dad, and a nomadic, no-fixed-address lifestyle. It's an inspiring read, but depressing, too. Even hearts of stone bleed a bit over this tale.

Too pervy: Bang: More Lays in 60 Days

If you don't have game and you're trying to get game, it's important not to advertise it, lest you be viewed as a player or just plain desperate. This book by Roosh V is considered a "pick up classic" among those who appreciate seduction literature with smooth moves galore, but you'll lose your chance with any women, if you're spotted reading it. And if all goes well, do store this one in the drawer of your night stand, away from prying eyes.

Too needy: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change

Everyone needs a little help now and then to get back on the right path, but is this something you want to broadcast to the world? This best-selling title, and pretty much any self-help tome, are better read on your own when you can actually absorb some of the info without someone wondering what kind of emotional damage you might be suffering.


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