An Open Letter To Donald Trump Voters

The real question is, how willreact when he fails to deliver on his promises?
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Congratulations! You did it! You won! "President Trump!" I have to admit, I (and about 325-million people in the United States alone) thought achieving this feat was about as possible as the New York Knicks putting together a championship season. But, good grief, you did it! You defied the odds. You rewrote the book. Threw caution to the wind and took a flying leap off a short pier with the "ultimate outsider." Now, just how long do you think it'll take before you realize you were conned beyond comprehension?

Donald Trump played you for fools. Lied to you 24/7. Told you everything you wanted to hear, no matter how outrageous, offensive or untrue. Ironically, the 'reality' show star kept you orbiting in an alternate universe. With each new ignorant, sexist, racist comment we liberals thought, "That's it, it's over, he can't recover from this!" We said that from the start of the campaign back in May 2015 with the 'Mexican rapists' rhetoric and kept saying it right through to the pussy-grabbing tape. But recover he did. Every...single...time.

There was nothing Trump could do to turn you off. The man himself even said he could shoot someone in the middle of NYC's 5th Avenue and you'd still support him. As crazy as it sounds, he was right. Surely you'd have said "That baby deserved it!" Or, "The nun was holding up traffic!"

You have contempt and disdain for the media. For fact-checkers. For any independent source of truth. You live in a bubble where 'honesty' is named Sean Hannity and Fox News. Where you trust everything Trump tells you about Trump, and believe that everyone else is just conspiring against him. You seem repulsed by disclosure, the rule of law, checks and balances and a free press. And you relish violating the Constitution in your misguided quest to "Make America Great Again." Your motto? "In Trump We Trust."

You're ok with Trump not releasing his taxes, no matter that they may reveal dubious business dealings with hostile governments such as Russia, which could impact America's national security. Further, the tax returns could also demonstrate that Trump's not the 'successful businessman' he claims (wasn't that one of the main reasons you supported him?). Or they could prove that he's cash poor, which is why he put up so little of his own money for the campaign, despite his mega-promise of being "self-funded" and beholden to no one (er...wasn't that one of the main reasons you voted for him?).

What if the tax returns prove that Trump's not as charitable as he claims? That he hasn't donated to veterans' charities, for example. And let's talk about vets for second. How on Earth did any one of you vote for him? You didn't blink when he dissed Sen. John McCain and POW's in saying "real heroes" don't get captured. Or how he stiffed you out of the $5-million he promised in that sham "fundraiser?" Or when he said he "knew more than the generals" about ISIS, or when he attacked these generals and the entire armed services by repeatedly stating that our military is a "disaster" and has "failed."

You didn't blink when, as a draft dodger, he equated the danger of sleeping around with it being his own "personal Vietnam." Or when he shamelessly took the medal of a retired vet and incredulously said "I always wanted to get the Purple Heart. This was much easier." Or when he suggested to an audience of vets that they had PTSD because they weren't "strong." Nor did you care when he admitted to paying zero income taxes, which means he personally provided no financial support to the military. But worst of all, you encouraged him when he unconscionably attacked the Gold Star Khan family.

You still voted for him.

Make no mistake: you vets do an amazing, noble job of defending America, and for that we honor and respect you and owe you a colossal debt of gratitude. But it's another story when it comes to defending yourselves from a military-hostile scam-artist like Trump.

And now in just one week of being President-elect, Trump appears firmly on his way to reneging on all the major promises he's made to you. You know, all those reasons why you supposedly voted for him. Let's revisit:

-He won't build a wall

-He won't deport 11-million+ undocumented immigrants

-He won't ban Muslims or create a registry

-He won't be killing the families of terrorists

-He won't appoint a special prospector to investigate, indict and jail Hillary Clinton

-He won't bring back your factory jobs

-He won't cut your taxes

-He won't raise your minimum wage

-He won't repeal/replace Obamacare

-He won't "punish" women for getting abortions

-He won't appoint socially conservative Supreme Court justices

-He won't overturn Roe v Wade

-He won't shut the EPA or IRS

-He won't be repealing NAFTA

-He won't impose 45% trade tariffs on China

-He won't tear up the Iran nuclear deal

-He won't move our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem

-He won't be withdrawing from NATO

To be sure, none of the above will disappoint or anger Democrats. The real question is, how will you react when he fails to deliver on his promises? Remember, he could shoot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue and...

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