
Alisha Perkins

MLB wife, mother, runner, writer, and borderline amazon addict

I am mom to two girls, wife to Glen Perkins (3 time All-Star Minnesota Twins closer) and owner to our dog, Harry Potter. I am a born and raised Minnesotan. I love running because it is real and relatively simple but it ain't easy. I hate olives and rude people.

I live a very simple life in a crazy world. My husband's profession complicates and excites our normalcy. We interrupt this family to bring you the baseball season.

I started blogging in 2012 after I discovered running and found my voice. It is hard to be ordinary when your husband is extraordinary and for a while I lived in his shadow. One day I stepped out of it, or rather I ran out and with each step my voice got stronger and I wanted to share it so I began

My blog is mainly about running, my battle with anxiety, and exercise goodies in general but also about our life. Both my kiddos have gluten allergies and I was plagued with a dairy allergy and so that sneaks into a lot of the blog as well. I try not to take myself too seriously but I also want to be taken seriously. I am complicated, contradictory, illogical, and ironic, but at the end of the day I am just me. I try to be honest and authentic but I am also a wimp who doesn't want to offend. I walk the line.

I am also a freelance writer in my oh so ample free time.
My writing has graced Women's Running, Like the Wind Magazine, Fitness Most Magazine, Another Mother Runner, The Red Current, Minneapolis Running, Star Tribune, Girls with Sole, and Minnesota Twins Magazine.