
Anna Post

Great-great-granddaughter of Emily Post and author

Anna Post is the great-great-granddaughter of Emily Post and the author of Emily Post’s Wedding Parties: Smart Ideas for Stylish Parties, From Engagement to Reception and Everything in Between (Collins, October 2007). Anna is currently at work on her second book, due in 2008.

As an author in her late 20s, Anna approaches etiquette from a perspective that draws on tradition and history while encouraging readers to realize that etiquette is less about worrying about which fork to use and more about treating people with consideration, honesty and respect.

Anna speaks at bridal shows, providing wedding etiquette advice and tips. She is also a graduate of The Emily Post Institute’s Business Etiquette Train-the-Trainer program and is a speaker in the Institute’s Business Etiquette Seminar series.

Anna’s popularity with media outlets seeking advice on modern etiquette dilemmas is on the rise. Her interviews include USA Today, The New York Times, the Associated Press, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, The Boston Globe, Time, O at Home, Modern Bride, Real Simple, and Anna has also appeared on Weekend Today and FOX & Friends.

In addition to being a regular source of etiquette advice in print and on radio and television, Anna blogs on etiquette in the 21st century. Her blog, “What Would Emily Post Do?” is found at and covers topics ranging from green weddings to business to pop culture. Anna also produces the Emily Post Institute’s podcast series, including Peter Post’s business etiquette podcast “Etiquette at Work.”

Anna previously worked for the Motion Picture Association of America and in the Washington, D.C. office of Senator Patrick Leahy. Raised in Charlotte, Vermont, Anna is a graduate of Phillips Andover Academy and the University of Vermont. She holds a degree in political science and currently lives in Burlington, VT where she works at the Emily Post Institute.