

Trials, tribs and musings from my journey through motherhood, mostly derived from 3 a.m. feeding epiphanies.

Hi! I’m Celeste. I consider myself a relatively new mom with two boys under three years old. Other titles I go by include: wife, marketing guru, avid reader (self-help books are my favorite), writer, travel & adventure seeker, and fitness nut. I love being a mother and everything it means. Except the poop. But I’ve questioned my own parenting ability since… well, since the pregnancy test came back positive. Which is what led me to start The Ultimate Mom Challenge™. Now I’m on a mission to become the best mom I can be, through monthly challenges, goals, and self-help books (I told you!) Join me on my quest to achieve mommy greatness, where I’ll share tips, successes, lessons learned, and of course, the inevitable fails.