
Celinne Da Costa

Celinne Da Costa is a brand identity coach, writer, and traveler sharing stories of humanity, life design, and self-discovery. Follow her journey on and @CelinneDaCosta.

Celinne Da Costa is an international brand identity and storytelling coach, published writer, and active dreamer, building her business and exploring from wherever in the world she chooses to be. Sounds like a dream, right? It is, but that’s because she designed her life that way. In 2016, she left her unfulfilling corporate marketing career in New York City to become the architect of her own life. This meant crafting a story that allowed her to infuse every day with meaningful moments of human connection, internal space for self-discovery, and opportunities to pursue her passions… all while seeing the world. She contributes to and has been featured in major publications around the world, including Forbes, HuffPost, Intrepid, Urban Adventures, Matador Network, Rosetta Stone, Buzzfeed, and Business Insider. She’s helped clients in 20+ countries tell their story, and has a loyal community of 40,000+ dreamers following her work and journey around the world. Follow her story on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @CelinneDaCosta.