
Chantelle Zakariasen

Copywriter and Content Marketer for Wellness Warriors and World Changers

Chantelle is enamored with the world’s soft side and aims to bring it to life through the power of words. Content marketer and copywriter for healers, wellness practitioners and changemakers by day; dreamer, poet, yogi, Game of Thrones enthusiast by night. This gal doesn’t believe in a boxed mentality and instead embraces an open hearted, fluid philosophy that hugs the world closer instead of pushing it away. Chantelle dreams of living within walking distance to the beach, farmers markets and the rainforest...oh wait, she already does! You can find her picking mushrooms with her free range family on Gabriola Island, BC, talking foodie language with extra avocado on her blog Naked Cuisine, and connecting words and wellness over at Chantelle Zakariasen. #Lovetrumpshate