
Colleen Perry

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California

Colleen Perry is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist in the state of California (MFC38937). Her mission is to care for, nurture, and enhance the self worth of women. She focuses on inspiring and encouraging them to meet their needs in order to live in their higher self, based in courage, purpose, and joy versus fear, duty and obligation.

She is a speaker and writer on women's issues and works with various organizations, professionals, and the public. She is the co-founder of “Through the Looking Glass” a support program for women with eating disorders and body image problems. Her practice focuses on treating teenage girls and women of all ages who are suffering from the emotional effects of dealing with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, sexuality, and relationship issues.

Ms. Perry has lectured on topics such as “How to Recognize an Eating Disorder”, “The Dangers of Dieting and Self-mutilation” (cutting), and “Cultural Images of Women in Advertising.” As a guest panelist for “The Thin Line” a production about eating disorders, she provided information to enhance the understanding of this life threatening issue to the audience. She appeared on “The Larry Elder Show” as a guest expert concerning overweight teens and how to deal with verbal abuse from family and friends.

Ms. Perry has provided management, leadership and sales training to various corporations such as Mead Johnson Nutritionals, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and Ben & Jerry’s before launching her private practice. She brings her past corporate experiences to provide structured leadership and professional quality to the programs and groups that she facilitates.

When asked about her motivation behind her practice, she responds: “My goal is to help teenagers and young women navigate their way through our culture which, I believe, diminishes the value of women and all of our gifts. We are bombarded with images of unrealistic beauty. Often we are taught to value the feelings and needs of others before our own… restricting our voices and distilling our spirits into a pretty package. I envision a world where women feel joyful about living their lives knowing their beauty and power lies within them.”