
Di Ana Pisarri

A NYC based coach, writer, and speaker. Working with women and mothers to create their best chapter yet. You can always turn a breakdown into a breakthrough. Learn more

An NYC based relationship coach for over 15 years, Di Ana Pisarri works with all the loves of your life: self, mates, kids, career—you name it. It’s a one-stop shop. Her Live/Love Mastery program focuses on saying “yes” to all the things you desire so you can create real, transformative change. As we say in yoga: let’s take the practice off of the mat and into our everyday lives.

She is also working on her memoir I Got Naked Today. Parts Brene Brown, parts Mary Karr - it’s a provocative and purposeful story about a daughter transforming her mother’s struggle with addiction, vulnerability, and shame into a breakthrough for her own life - and hopefully yours.

Follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram where she lives her own life out loud—wins, mistakes, and everything in between. Perfection is never the goal—resilience is.