
Donna Bond

Professional Life Coach, Transformation Consultant and Inspirational Speaker

As a life coach & transformation consultant, spiritual teacher and inspirational speaker, Donna Bond offers inspiring workshops and transformative in-depth coaching programs that help businesses and clients achieve new heights of meaningful success, personal fulfillment and Spiritual aliveness. Donna Bond, M.A. is a graduate of the University of Santa Monica where she earned her master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology with an emphasis in Consciousness, Health and Healing. Her work as a life coach, workshop facilitator and inspirational speaker centers on serving global transformation in consciousness through focusing on individual transformation of consciousness. An expert in self-discovery and empowerment Donna has had many achievements on the “Goal Line” of life, with 28 years as a hospitality business executive, climbing the ladder to VP of Sales & Marketing with Sunstone Hotels. In 2013 after winning the Western Regional Marketing Achievement Award for the third year in a row with The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, divine guidance helped her see that she wanted her energy, time and ultimately her life, to have deeper meaning and fulfillment for herself and those around her. In 2014 she decided to dedicate the rest of her time on the planet to a purpose-driven business with the intention of raising the vibration on the planet.