
Elizabeth A. Havey

Blogs at; Author of 'A Mother's Time Capsule'

A mother of three adult children, Elizabeth A. Havey now has the time to publish the stories and novels she has written and revised over the years. Graduating with a BA in English, Havey taught literature at the secondary level and later worked part time as a freelancer for McDougal Littell Publishing and proofreader for Meredith Books. In her early forties, she earned her RN and worked as a labor and delivery nurse, health educator and author of CEUs for nursing. Summers found her studying at the Iowa Summer Writing Workshops at the University of Iowa. Her short stories have appeared in little magazines including THE NEBRASKA REVIEW and ZINKZINE. Havey welcomes you to read her blog: BOOMER HIGHWAY,, devoted to health and navigating the third act. You can also find her on , her author site devoted to fiction. Born, raised and educated in Chicago, Havey now lives in Southern California, but the spirit of the Midwest remains fresh in her fiction. She is a member of the Women's Fiction Writers Association.