
Eric Rayvid

I run, I sleep & I run again. Then I get on the bike. Sometimes I swim but rarely.

In 2006, I was 36, overweight and had a pack-and-a-half-a-day smoking habit. I eventually worked up the courage to quite smoking and go for a run outside. As of today, I'm a 14-time marathoner, four Olympic distance and five Sprint distance triathlon finisher, and have competed in more 13.1s, 10Ks and five milers than I can count.

On average I run 35 miles each week (but that can ratchet up to 50 during peak marathon training) and between 50 โ€“ 100 miles on the bike. Iโ€™m a part time blogger and a full time endurance sports enthusiast living in New York City; my daytime job is in PR and marketing.

On my social channels, I discuss everything running, cycling and (rarely) swimming. From technology and music to nutrition and training to finding the perfect shoe, finding the right group to work out with every week or even the motivation to do so - nothing is off limits. I also review races and marathons I do (and some I've already done).

Dirty Old Sneakers can be found at: