
Getzel Davis

Harvard chaplain & Hillel rabbi. Founder of Unorthodox Celebrations. Getzel strives to interrupt routines with moments of meaning.

Rabbi Getzel Davis is trying to answer this question: How do we live meaningful and ethical lives in our post-modern, high-stress, computerized world? While he hasn’t yet fully resolved the question, many of the clues he has found are in gems of ancient Jewish wisdom. Getzel is a graduate of Hebrew College’s rabbinic and education schools. He is an associate rabbi and Jewish educator at Harvard Hillel where he organizes graduate student programming and teaches regularly. He is also the founder and CEO of a web-based service that matches unaffiliated Jews looking for officiants to perform their weddings with 300+ rabbis and cantors nationwide. Before coming to Harvard, taught for a number of Jewish social justice organizations and was a leader of Jewish ritual at Occupy Wall Street.