
Haydn Shaw

Expert on Generations, Leadership, Change Management, Productivity, and Trust

Haydn Shaw has researched and helped clients regarding generational differences for over twenty years. He is the author of Sticking Points: How to Get 4 Generations Working Together in the 12 Places They Come Apart and FranklinCovey’s bestselling workshops Leading Across Generations and Working Across Generations. He also writes on generations and leadership for the Huffington Post. TIME wrote, “Shaw is an expert on cultural differences at the office.” He has spoken to over 100,000 people and worked with more than 1,500 businesses (from Fortune 500 companies to start ups), not-for-profit organizations, and governmental agencies. The results from his long term organizational development and change projects have been written up in case studies. Hailed as a “leadership guru” by the Washington Post, Haydn speaks and consults in excess of 160 days each year to clients who consistently invite him back. Not only does Haydn speak on his own, he has also worked as a senior consultant with FranklinCovey for over twenty one years. He is one of a handful of consultants in FranklinCovey to win the Chairman’s Award. Haydn Shaw has delivered hundreds of convention keynotes or small, off-site workshops. Known for taking groups from hilarity to deep reflection, he combines rich content with use-tomorrow tools. His work makes an impact because he does his homework, customizing each speech so that they drive results. Having worked with hundreds of organizations, Haydn connects with virtually any group in any industry, and brings practical and inspiring examples from the boardroom and the front line. Haydn specializes in five areas: Generational Differences. Haydn heads up FranklinCovey’s work with Generations. He is the author of Leading Across Generations® and Working Across Generations, FranklinCovey’s best-selling workshops. He has delivered his hilarious keynote speeches on generations to thousands around the world. In addition to his speaking, organizations turn to Haydn for help with generations: (1) facilitating teams through generational sticking points using the 5 step process; (2) adapting communications, policies, and systems to make each generation more productive; and (3) designing succession and leadership development plans for those who will replace the retiring Boomers. Change Management. After years of helping leaders navigate change, Haydn developed his advice into workshops to provide real-world, practical tools for leaders in the Leading Through the 6 Change Reactions and for all employees in Working Through the 6 Change Reactions. Leadership and Management Development. One of the designers of FranklinCovey’s signature leadership workshop, he specializes in leadership effectiveness and development, helping both organizations and leaders spend more time leading and less time managing! Haydn has taught The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People more than 1,000 times and is still as excited today as he was when he started about how it combines principles of effectiveness with practical tools. Personal Productivity. He has helped over 100,000 people discover what matters most, manage their time and energy, and deal with the overwhelming flow of information. Trust. From its release in 2008, Haydn has taught thousands the Speed of Trust workshop/keynote and has helped numerous organizations improve their trust by implementing FranklinCovey’s proven methodology. Haydn lives in a multi-generational household in a suburb of Chicago. Haydn, his wife Laurie, and her disabled brother are Boomer/Gen Xer Cuspers. Their four children are Millennials. His mother-in-law is a Traditionalist.