
Huntsman Daughters


Jon2012 girls are tweeting from the presidential campaign trail in support of their father, GOP candidate Jon Huntsman. Their commentary provides an inside look at the 2012 presidential campaign with a little charm, whit, and sass. @jon2012girls.

Mary Anne (26): Studied piano performance at the Manhattan School of Music and is a concert pianist. She spent the past two years living in Beijing where she taught piano and performed.

Abby (25): Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2008 and went on to work for ABC News in DC, and Good Morning America in NYC. Most recently she worked at PR Firm, Burson-Marsteller in their media group.

Liddy (23): Graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2011 where she studied sociology and was beauty editor for Penn's fashion magazine. During her college summers she worked in NYC at Diane Von Furstenberg and other fashion houses.