
Sheila Viers

Health and Lifestyle Coach

Sheila Viers is a Health and Lifestyle Coach that is passionate about helping women break free from yo-yo dieting and self-sabotage so they can ROCK their dream body and their dream life. She leads her #RockYourDreamBody Tribe with her signature non-diet approach, helping women nourish their way toward their physical goals, so they can build confidence, gain energy, and feel amazing in their skin. Sheila's own healthy living journey began over a decade ago when she decided it was time to end her struggle with body image and food for good. After years of yo-yo dieting, over-exercising, and issues ranging from food sensitivities to hormonal problems, she learned how to get out of body-jail, lost 35 pounds, and now teaches women how to create this freedom and ease in their own lives through a range of programs from jumpstart to full-immersion. Her mission extends far beyond weight loss and her unique ability to inspire women to step into their confidence and their dream life, is catching fire. Sheila regularly writes for The Huffington Post and has been featured in many fitness, health, and business publications including Shape, Inc. Magazine, Yahoo Health, Tiny Buddha, The Rise to the Top, Entrepreneur on Fire, Experience Life Magazine, Livestrong, She Owns It, and Under30CEO. Sheila is also the former CEO and Co-founder of Live Well 360, a premium fitness bag company.