
Joan Gelafnd


The author of three poetry collections and an award winning chapbook of short fiction, Joan Gelfand’s reviews, stories and poetry have appeared in national and international literary journals and magazines. Development Chair of the Women’s National Book Association, a member of the National Book Critics Circle and a juror for the Northern California Book Awards, Joan coaches writers around the country. Forthcoming books: "Mastering the 4 C's of Successful Authors: Craft, Commitment, Community and Confidence" (Mango Press, 2018) and "Fear to Shred" a novel about a Silicon Valley startup. “The Ferlinghetti School of Poetics,” a poetry film based on Joan’s poem was featured at the 4th Annual Video Poetry Festival in Athens, Greece and won Certificate of Merit in a juried art show at the International Association for the Study of Dreams. The video can be found on She lives in San Francisco with her husband, Adam Hertz and two beatnik kitties – Jack Kerouac and Lawrence Ferlinghetti.