
Katherine Robinson

Travel Writer

Katherine has visited more than 50 cities in 28 countries. Taking her first solo transatlantic flight at age nine, she was bitten by the travel bug early in life and globe-trotting continues to be her passion. Katherine has lived, worked and studied internationally and knows how to make world travel possible on any budget.

For Katherine, travel has provided some of the most formative experiences of her life. Her father frequently lived abroad and thus she became the only sixth-grader in her class with thousands of frequent flier miles. Being exposed to other cultures, languages and, of course, food early in life gave her a global perspective and perpetual wanderlust.

In 2005, Katherine traveled to Namibia where she spent a month volunteering with HIV-positive children and AIDS orphans. She was shocked and saddened by the poverty she encountered there, which intensified her desire to not only travel as a tourist, but to make a positive impact on the countries she visits.

During her junior year at UC Berkeley, where she studied Political Science with a minor in Global Poverty Alleviation, Katherine studied abroad though the Semester at Sea program, circumnavigating the globe aboard the MV Explorer. This allowed her to visit 12 countries in just four short months. Most people would probably have been relieved to return to American soil after such an intense voyage, but Katherine decided to follow that trip up with a summer spent backpacking through Europe and an internship with the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Grameen Bank in Bangladesh.

Katherine has continued her travels as a young working professional. She currently lives in San Francisco and works as a Recruiter for a start-up company. In the past year, she has visited Israel, Egypt, and Jordan through the Birthright program and sailed Croatia’s Dalmatian coast during Yacht Week. She is eager to create profiles of the cities and countries she has visited and share recommendations for young travelers who want to live, work and study abroad.

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