
Katja Rowell, M.D.

Author and family doctor turned childhood feeding specialist

Katja Rowell, M.D. is a family doctor turned childhood feeding specialist, helping families struggling with feeding and weight concerns, from picky eating to food obsession. Through house-calls and phone counseling, Rowell supports parents with the goal of raising competent eaters who feel good about food and their bodies. "It's preventive medicine at its best." Through direct parent support, blogging, and speaking, her mission is to bring peace and joy back to the family table. Her book, Love Me, Feed Me offers support to adoptive and fostering families who often face additional challenges, but essentially distills the practical support she offers all families -– a model of healthy eating that can help rehabilitate even the most difficult feeding relationship. Katja makes her home in the Twin Cities where she enjoys (most of the time) cooking for her family and having a husband who does the dishes.

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