
Kristin Maschka

Activist, Author, TEDx Speaker, Executive Coach for Women and Teams

Kristin Maschka is an activist, best-selling author, TEDx speaker, and coach. Her TEDx talk, “How I Learned to Love Unconscious Bias,” explores how unconscious bias about women has stalled women’s progress and how we can work together as a team to stop the negative impacts of these biases on many different groups. She is the author of the bestselling “This is Not How I Thought It Would Be: Remodeling Motherhood to Get the Lives We Want Today.” Her consulting firm, Maschka Enterprises, provides coaching for executive women as well as for executive leadership teams in large non-profits, higher education institutions and high-tech companies. Currently, she chairs the board of Planned Parenthood Advocates Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley after having served on the board of Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley for three years. Kristin elected in 2017 to be an Assembly District 41 Delegate and Executive Board member to the California Democratic Party. She is on the board of the University of Chicago Women’s Alliance. Kristin was a volunteer Regional Organizing Leader for the Hillary Clinton campaign in the Pasadena area. She served as National Board President of Mothers & More and was the co-founder of the Pasadena Education Network. She holds two degrees from the University of Chicago in the History and Philosophy of Science, where she is also in the Athletics Hall of Fame for basketball.