
Maja Tosic

Recent Graduate, University of Michigan

Maja Tosic was born in Bosnia and moved to the United States at a young age. As a Bosnian-American, she always seeks to blend her two cultures through her experiences and perspectives. She studied Biopsychology, Cognition and Neuroscience as well as Community Action and Social Change at the University of Michigan. Her two fields of study allowed her to examine the nature and nurture of our existence. Throughout her college experience, she has been passionately involved with social justice education through intergroup dialogues. She has facilitated numerous dialogues on social issues such as race, gender, body image, and others. She also was a columnist for The Michigan Daily, and feels that her articles are another avenue for spreading awareness and social justice. When Maja is not engaging others through dialogues or writing, she loves to engage with a good book while sipping a good latte and sitting in a good coffee shop.