
Marian de la Fuente

Reconocida periodista del mundo del entretenimiento y la política

Admired by viewers from across the Americas, Marian de la Fuente was for many years the main news anchor and Managing Editor at Telemundo Internacional, the newscast “Noticiero Internacional,” the news-magazine “Hoy en América”, and Telemundo Network´s morning news show “Hoy en el Mundo”. She was always assigned to cover main news events and special programs for the Network.

With more than 15 years of experience, this talented journalist was named as one of the "25 Most Beautiful” by People en Español magazine. Throughout her career, she has interviewed world leaders and well-known personalities, in addition to covering historical events such as the Persian Gulf and Bosnian Wars, and the 9/11 attacks in the U.S.

Marian got her start in television during her college-years, working on “Entre Hoy y Mañana,” a news program that aired on Spain’s Telecinco Network. Later on, she joined Antena 3 Televisión’s news team, where she became a well-known anchor, and an investigative and special events reporter, covering international crimes, drug trafficking and terrorism.

Her career in the United States began in 1994, when she was asked by Antena 3 Television to join the team of news anchors at TeleNoticias, a Pan-regional 24-hours Spanish language network that reached 27 countries, later acquired by CBS. Marian remained one of the main news anchors at CBS TeleNoticias, and continued so after the network was acquired by Telemundo in December 2005. Her popularity among the Hispanic audience increased yearly as she continued to anchor a 3 hours news-magazine for the Telemundo Network; a challenge that positioned her as the only ‘female presenter from Spain’ on a Spanish-language TV Network”.

In 2007 Marian founded her own business, Angels International Productions, which has led her to become a successful entrepreneur. She has provided consulting media services to new television outlets that want to reach the Latin American market. In 2010, she produced a documentary about the Way of St. James (El Camino) in partnership with CTC, from Galicia, Spain. In association with Plural Entertainment, she anchored and co-produced “Desaparecidos”, a tv series that touches upon the missing Latinos in the U.S. Next, she launched “Mujeres con Pantalones”, a robust network of women that support each other to grow professionally and socially, empowering them to successfully achieve their objectives. As of now, she is producing her own show ‘De Buena Fuente, con Marian”, a news-magazine that will air on ‘Red Hispana de Noticias’, a new Spanish-language television channel that will launch in November 2011,

She has been the recipient of numerous awards and nominations for her journalism work, including one prestigious Emy and two nominations for her journalistic work on the London’s bombings, and the death of Pope John Paul II, in 2005. She also received the INTE Award as the Best International Female News Anchor; the Unites States Chamber of Commerce’s ‘Top Young Executive’ award, the Latin Business Club of America as “Female Television Personality’ of the year in 2005; Venezuela’s Musa de Oro award for three consecutive times, Puerto Rico’s Paoli Award; the ACA and Gaspar Pumarejo Awards, both in Miami; and the Círculo Ahumada and TP de Oro Awards, in Spain. In 2009 she was awarded a DOCTORATE HONORIS CAUSA by the prestigious St. Thomas University of Florida.

Involved in social causes, Marian was the U.S. spokeperson for Interlife, a worldwide non profit organization which mission is to sponsor and provide food, health services and education to underprivileged children.

Marian is the author of “ El Gigante de los Pies de Barro” a book that chronicles her experience on the 9/11 tragedy and its consequences. She also collaborated in “Un dia sin Inmigrantes”, and is currently finishing ¨Los Fantasmas de Afganistan” as a result of a documentary in Afganistan, to expose the real situation experienced by thousand of Afghan women.

Biografía en Español:
Admirada por los televidentes de América Latina y Estados Unidos, la española, Marian de la Fuente, es hasta hoy dia la única periodista española en trabajar en un medio nacional de los EEUU. Cuenta con una aclamada trayectoria y fama en la región por su trabajo como presentadora desde hace más de 15 años en canales como CBS, NBC, Telemundo Internacional, Telemundo Network y actiualmente en V-me TV.
Durante años fue la presentadora principal de noticias de Telemundo Network y Telemundo Internacional, anteriormente CBS Telenoticias, en los informativos “Noticiero Internacional”, “Hoy en América”, y la revista diaria de noticias “Hoy en el mundo.

A lo largo de su carrera, ha entrevistado a los principales mandatarios y personalidades de América Latina y Europa y ha cubierto eventos de relevancia mundial, como las guerras con Irak, Bosnia, los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre en Nueva York, el de Madrid y Londres; las muertes de la princesa Diana, de la Madre Teresa y del Papa Juan Pablo II; y bodas reales. Todo esto hizo que se convirtiera en la presentadora clave de eventos especiales para la cadena Telemundo de NBC, al frente de las principales coberturas informativas.

Galardona con más de una treintena de premios internacionales entre los que figura un Emmy y dos nominaciones, y tres libros en el mercado, su mayor satisfacción fue el lanzamiento de Angels International. Una empresa de comunicación, consultoria y producción que en tan solo dos años ha conseguido el contrato de promoción en América de importantes eventos internacionales como Sudafrica 2010, el Xacobeo 2010 en el que fue nombrada Embajadora junto al actor Martin Sheen o Galicia es marca 2011. En su faceta de productora, ha realizado “Mujeres con Pantalones”, “Desaparecidos” con Plural Enterteinment , el documental “El Camino” y la revista noticiosa “De buena Fuente con Marián” . Hasta la atualidad, Marián es, además, consultora y asesora de varios grupos de comunicación de América Latina.