
Michael Hinshaw

Customer Experience Executive, Advisor and Strategist: Digital, Customer-Centric Innovation, Design and Transformation

Michael Hinshaw leads customer experience management firm McorpCX, where he helps companies integrate digital and customer-centric innovation to improve business performance, by transforming how they interact with customers. Co-author of the best-selling book Smart Customers, Stupid Companies: Why Only Intelligent Companies Will Thrive, and How to Be One of Them, Michael focuses on the market, social and technological forces driving disruptive innovation, and what it takes for companies to embrace and profit from this change - rather than getting crushed by it. Recognized as a digital strategy and customer experience innovation leader by organizations including Forrester Research, BAI, ALM Intelligence and others, he has been published and quoted in dozens of publications ranging from Harvard Business Review and Fast Company to American Executive and Time. As a consultant to senior management, some of the leading organizations he has advised include lululemon, Microsoft, Staples, American Family Insurance and Blue Shield of California. Michael is also a Teaching Fellow at UC Berkeley’s Lester Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation at The Haas School of Business, and has held board seats at publicly traded, private and non-profit firms.