
Noah Kim

Student and writer based in Los Angeles, California.

I’m a storyteller. Granted, I’m young, with limited stories—as many as a 20-year-old Los Angeles transplant from Milwaukee, Wisconsin can have—but I make up for what I lack in experiences with an unyielding thirst for diversity in knowledge. I found my stride as a Public Relations major at the University of Southern California after writing a research paper on Hip-Hop culture; I discovered a passion for social justice, which I hope to achieve through amplifying the voices that often go unheard or ignored. In addition to being a PR student, I am double majoring in Narrative Studies—an interdisciplinary Humanities major centered around storytelling. Besides writing my own creative works, I am a Tour Guide in the USC Office of Admission and have the pleasure of bringing USC’s campus to life for prospective students. On the real: I drink my coffee black, eat my eggs over-easy, wear my flannels unbuttoned. My creative space is my bed, and my happy place is my backyard (in Wisconsin). I’m a junior from the Midwest who loves his family and friends more than anything in the world, who never says no to a glass of red wine, and who is currently being blown away by the natural beauty of New Zealand.