

Reviews of Films For Children By Children

The KIDS FIRST! Film Critics are a national group of youth reporters, age 8 to 18, who review new films rated PG-13 and younger, interview talent and share their views on entertainment geared for kids. These kids come from all across the country, from New York City to Los Angeles, Denver to Miami and they stand side by side with seasoned entertainment reporters on red carpets at premieres, interviewing talent and sharing their opinions of media directed at a youth audience. Their blog on Huffington Post gives them a voice and allows them to tell you their honest opinion about the media they review. Their reviews are seen, read or listened to by more than 6 million people every month on Huffington Post,,, and 50 additional local and regional publications. To learn how you or your child can join the KIDS FIRST! Film Critics team, visit KIDS FIRST! Film Critics is a project of the Coalition for Quality Children's Media, a national, nonprofit (501-c-3) organization founded in 1991 whose mission is to teach children critical viewing skills and to increase the visibility and availability of quality children's media. KIDS FIRST! is supported by teachers, librarians, media professionals, lobbyists, policymakers, child advocates, educators, parents and families nationwide. Support comes from national nonprofit organizations that include the National Education Association, REEL Fathers, National Association of Elementary School Principals and the National Council of Women’s Organizations, with a cumulative membership of over 17 million.