
Rassoul Dastmozd

President/CEO of Saint Paul College—A Community & Technical College

A vocal advocate of community colleges, Dr. Rassoul Dastmozd is president/CEO of Saint Paul College—A Community & Technical College. Beginning with his initial experience as a community college student and through his continuing professional experience as an educator, mentor and administrator in community colleges, Dr. Dastmozd has become a tireless champion of community colleges. With an unwavering focus on student success and promoting diversity, Dr. Dastmozd believes that today’s college must “encourage a collective vision, promote collaboration and develop sustainable partnerships. Together, we must explore new ways to secure resources, develop programs, and champion the Learning College mission, values, vision, and goals.” Saint Paul College is one of the most diverse colleges in Minnesota with 61% minority enrolled students, and is one of the fastest growing two-year colleges in Minnesota, increasing at a rate of 72 percent in the past decade. Saint Paul College also adds an estimated $163 million per year in activity to the economy of the Twin Cities according to a Wilder Foundation economic impact survey. The College offers over 100 different degree, career, certificate and diploma programs, as well continuing education and training.