
Sharon Schweitzer

International Protocol Expert, Best Selling Author, Cross-Cultural Consultant

Sharon Schweitzer, J.D., is an international etiquette expert, cross-cultural trainer, best-selling author and the owner of Access to Culture, a company focusing on global leadership and business etiquette training. Sharon's clients include Global 2000 companies and highly motivated university students, with topics ranging from global competency to social media. Schweitzer is accredited in intercultural management, has an undergraduate degree in Sociology, practiced employment law with an emphasis on resolving cultural conflict. Sharon's warm, humorous persona combined with her no-nonsense approach to today's international dilemmas leave audiences delighted. Sharon is a regular contributor to NPR, CBS, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, Inc., The New York Times, Bangkok Post and numerous others. She is the best-selling, international award-winning author of Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Business Guide , a 2015 Book of the Year by Kirkus Reviews. For more of Sharon’s insight, visit her blog: