
Stuart Milk

Co-founder and Board President, Harvey Milk Foundation; nephew of Harvey Milk

Stuart Milk is a global human rights activist, diversity consultant, and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) advocate.

He is the co-founder and Board President of the Harvey Milk Foundation, an all-volunteer-run global nonprofit. As the nephew of Harvey Milk, the iconic civil rights activist and one of first openly gay elected officials in the world, Stuart has taken his uncle’s message of authenticity and his example of courage and the power of collaboration onto the global stage to support local, regional and national human rights struggles on five continents.

He successfully led campaigns for the establishment of the now-official annual Harvey Milk holiday in California, along with Milk’s induction into the California Hall of Fame by the governor and first lady of California, and he accepted on behalf of his uncle the highest civilian honor in the U.S., the Medal of Freedom, from President Barack Obama.

Stuart has provided major public addresses before parliaments and legislative bodies and lectured at leading universities, in faith communities, before board rooms and at public rallies across the world. He has led collaborative national and international congresses on minority inclusion, diversity education and workplace acceptance. Having over two decades of leadership experience in both public and private workforce programs, Stuart often consults with business and community organizations finding the intersection of economic growth and social progress.

He has been widely recognized with numerous national and International awards as one of the most tireless advocates of a globally inclusive LGBT rights movement. Stuart also serves on the boards of Equality California, the American Foundation for Equal Rights (AFER), Marriage Equality USA and the International Conference on Disadvantaged Youth (ICDY), and he is Co-Chair of the Beyond Tolerance Global Initiative.