
Susana Barciela

Policy Director, Americans for Immigrant Justice

Susana Barciela is policy director for Americans for Immigrant Justice, a non-profit law firm that represents low-income, unauthorized immigrants at no charge. FIAC strives to improve the treatment of immigrants overall. We challenge immigration policies and practices at every level of government, whether with a lawsuit or persistent persuasion. Ms. Barciela concentrates on AI Justice’s “advocacy’’ mission. She ensures that our recommendations influence policymakers through FIAC reports, media coverage, and involvement in national, community and other efforts.

Previously, Ms. Barciela worked at the Miami Herald for 21 years. As an editorial board member, she covered immigration and foreign affairs, particularly in relation to Latin American, Cuba and Haiti -- among other issues. Prior to joining the Miami editorial board in 1997, she was a business reporter and wrote a weekly column on workplace issues. She has been awarded top honors for commentary on immigration issues by the Inter American Press Association, American Immigration Lawyers Association, Women’s Commission for Refugee Women and Children and the Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center.

Ms. Barciela is coauthor of the FIAC reports Unleash the DREAM: End the Colossal Waste of Young Immigrant Talent and Dying for Decent Care: Bad Medicine in Immigration Custody. She currently is writing The War on Immigants: Stories from the Front Lines.

Ms. Barciela was born in Havana, Cuba, came to Miami in 1961 and became a U.S. Citizen in 1976. She obtained a B.A. in Hispanic American History and Literature in 1979 and an M.B.A. in 1983, both from Harvard University. She and husband Daniel Zuckerman live in the Little Gables neighborhood of Miami.

August 20, 2012

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