Who Is Robby Mook? And Why Should We Care?

Who Is Robby Mook? And Why Should We Care?
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Who is Robby Mook?

Well, he's Hillary Clinton's campaign manager.

Why should we care?

Because the people behind the candidates we elect matter. "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." Don't you think it's interesting that few know anything about this "operative?"

In the face of all the scrutiny of Donald Trump's staffers like Cory Lewandowski, Paul Manafort, Hope Hicks and others so well-known because of the Leftist media's convenient coverage, I thought the relatively unknown forces behind Hillary Clinton should be exposed and delved into in depth.

To me, Mook has been the arsonist/bomber who comes out as a Clinton surrogate and is all over lamestream media slamming Donald Trump. I find him an insufferably snarky weasel who rarely makes a point supported by the facts.

His wiseguy attitude and holier-than-thou responses to serious questions regarding his candidate's shortcomings are whimsical, if not misleading.

But who is this meely-mouthed, fresh-faced, smarmy political operative really? Inquiring minds want to know.

Mook was born and raised in Vermont, a bastion of course for Leftist political Progressives such as Howard Dean and Ben & Jerry, the ice cream Socialists.

According to his Wikipedia entry, Mook was the son of a physics professor at Dartmouth--an academic in Vermont, hard to get more liberal that that--and a hospital administrator mother.

He was indoctrinated apparently, into politics by a chance meeting with Matt Dunne while auditioning for a play in high school. Dunne had been elected at the age of 22 to the Vermont House of Representatives. Mook was also a US Senate page along the way.

Going on to Columbia University to major in the Classics, Mook presumably found nothing in Morningside Heights that would expand his thinking into a more Conservative viewpoint. That's a shrieking understatement.

Soon, Mook would be operating as a campaign volunteer and strategist for Dunne, Jeanne Shaheen's run for the Senate, Martin O'Malley, John Kerry, Terry McAuliffe and Howard Dean's imploded run for President. A veritable who's who of Dem politicians responsible for our country's current condition.

Then in 2007, Mook became involved in Hillary Clinton's shocking campaign loss to Barack Obama and was underlyingly laying the groundwork for his eventual appointment eight years later as Hillary's campaign manager.

An interesting tidbit I didn't know: Mook is alleged to be the "first openly gay manager of a Presidential campaign." I'm not sure how open Mook has really been about this fact. It is certainly relevant.

Can you imagine if Paul Manafort had been the first openly gay campaign manager? We'd hear the press discussing it every single day with photos of Manafort's partner plastered all over the media. Nothing of this sort occurred with Mook.

As an unwavering Conservative, to say that I don't like or respect Robby Mook would be a very fair assessment.

He reminds me a little too much of Josh Earnest with his 'smartest guy in the room' psychology.

Watch as Mook squirms and struggles to respond to MSNBC's rather soft line of questioning

Watch as Mook's brother-from-another-mother, Josh Earnest is unctuous and prevaricating about the President's immigration policy.

Robby Mook is running the campaign for one candidate who might become our next President. It's important therefore, to know a bit about him and his background.

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