Fox 'News' Scrubs Story on Conservatives 'Questioning Palin Heft'

An AP article detailing a number of criticisms of the Republican Veep nominee was a "top story" on the Fox News website, only to suddenly disappear.
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AP Article Detailing a Number of Criticisms of the Republican Veep Nominee Was 'Top Story' at FNC Website, Only to Suddenly Disappear

Copy of the Story, as Killed by the 'Fair and Balanced' Propagandists, Reposted by The Brad Blog as Courtesy to Confused FNC Readers...

We were surprised as anyone to see this listed today at Google News...

We were somewhat less surprised when we clicked on it to find the page it linked to was now an error page at the Fox "News" website, reading...

You've requested an America's Election HQ page that cannot be found. The page you are looking for may have moved or it may no longer be available. We apologize for the inconvenience.

To confirm the page actually existed at one time, we also searched over at Yahoo News and found the similar...

That link also led to an error page at Fox "News", even though, according to the URL, the article, for a moment at least, had been one of their top stories. As it was an AP story, perhaps it was part of an automatic feed that made it's way onto FNC's site, until the "fair and balanced" network website editors noted it, and decided it needed to be spiked immediately.

After searching and searching at their website for the original article, perhaps under a changed headline, we came up with little, other than a story headlined: "Analysis: Pressure Builds on Palin Ahead of VP Debate" found not in a search, but in a sidebar list of "Most Read" articles over there.

While that article had a reference to the crushing call for Palin to drop out of the race, as seen in a National Review column by conservaitve Kathleen Parker, which The Brad Blog noted on Friday, it began with a few shots at Democratic Veep nominee Joe Biden who, Fox says, "spent the past week tripping up his own campaign -- bungling facts on the Great Depression and even criticizing a Barack Obama ad" before going on to detail "Biden's gaffe-prone ways."

It was only, in the comments section for that "Analysis" piece, that we were able to find references to the spiked article, and finally, a commenter who posted a link to a copy of the original article -- which featured a number of devasting criticisms of Palin, from a number of conservatives -- as reposted elsewhere...

The same commenter, "ntak6090", then posted yet another link to the article as re-posted elswhere, at a site which re-posts a feed of all FNC articles. The comment included the chiding "Too late FOX... once you put something on the Internet, it stays on the Internet"...

As a courtesy to Fox "News" -- who must have removed the article because they are running short on Internet ink today -- and their faithful readers and viewers, we'll go ahead and run the complete story as well, as scrubbed from their website, right here...

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