Put the Games Away

There is no individual party, chamber, or administration that can be held responsible for the troublesome times that are among us. It is the game of politics itself that is destroying what it supposedly stands for.
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What must be seen in Washington D.C. now in the year 2011? A time of hard work, solving problems and putting differences aside to create the best laws for the American people? That description sounds doubtful for how this era will be remembered. Everyone knows the rivalry between the Democrat and Republican parties. To most people, it is simply protocol when the two parties lock heads on an issue and get nowhere. In recent years, however, this rivalry seems to have grown into an incessant whining game between the two.

The list is never-ending: the answer to an ever-growing deficit, defaulting on the national budget, Medicare, moral issues and tax breaks, just to name a few. While I personally may be a liberal, I won't solely blame Republicans (while I do believe they hold the largest share of the burden) for the halted progress. President Obama is not the one to blame either. In fact, there is no individual party, chamber, or administration that can be held responsible for the troublesome times that are among us. It is the game of politics itself that is destroying what it supposedly stands for. In a perfect society, lawmakers work and report to only the American people that elected them, not their personal interests. Society has allowed large corporations to get away with crimes that unfold in front of the public. There is no need to get into the messy details of the 2009 bailouts of large banks and retailers, but if there is to be blame placed, it rests on the shoulders of CEOs across the country.

They remain unaffected and untouched by the law system that has failed to do its job and prosecute those responsible for a mess unseen since the Great Depression. I constantly read in articles of "experts" that America has the fiscal and economic power to climb out of its hole of debt, it just needs to execute this power.

So what's stopping the world's largest economy from freeing itself? The familiar character, politics. With corruption, a rather powerful form of persuasion, taking hold of politicians, it is almost impossible for action to be taken with the interest of the American people. Not only corruption, but other questionable morals of politicians lead people to wonder who exactly their elected officials are. Scandals involving prostitution, hateful quotes and illegitimate reasoning and explanations for poor actions and choices have left me questioning our government.

What will solve this epidemic among America's best? The only answer I see is to put the game of politics aside and remember who sent them to their office and why. I plead to government officials: the well-being of the nation is at stake. Now, if any time at all, is not the time to falter from our challenges and only make progressive decisions in your personal interests.

Because if you do, it is very likely that the very nation that allows you to do this, will crumble around you.

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