Switch the Light Bulb on With 'Power Words'

Switch the Light Bulb on With 'Power Words'
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I have a really good idea. Start your -- or a loved one's -- new year out right with Sharon Anne Klingler's book Power Words: Igniting Your Life with Lightning Force. I just read it, and I feel like I have jumpstarted my own 2014, and added some extra juice to this year's end.

This is my kind of book. For my Lazy Woman side it offers quick tips and tricks to have a less stressful, more joyful life. For my Superhero of Love side, it gives us all extraordinary superpower tools to help uncover our highest selves.

Klingler is equally no-nonsense and inspiring. She leads us quickly and efficiently down the well lit yellow brick road that is sprinkled with Trigger Words and Lifting Words that, when used, can bring us to our most exalted selves. Interspersed throughout the book in just the right interludes are mini-exercises that you don't have to set the book down to accomplish. Also, she tells us about real life clients putting the words to work. Even if you don't share the person's life circumstance, the stories make practicing Klinger's advice so relatable and doable.

I started putting Power Words to test when I was only one-third of the way through the book. I opened the book just hours after registering for the LA Marathon. As I sat down on the couch I bemoaned how sore I was from having just run three miles. What was I thinking? How will I ever be able to run 26.2 miles? Honestly, with the help of this book, I now know I can do it. I don't have to get injured, and know I can overcome my mental blocks. I will be using many tips from the book to get me through my three month training period and the all-important marathon hours.

The morning after I started the book, I ran 4 miles and had none of the lower back pain I had been experiencing the preceding two weeks. The next day: 5 miles. No pain. No kidding. Then I finished the book, and gathered more tools. The next two days in a row: 7 miles. I have never in my life run more than a 10K, and I haven't been even a casual runner for several years. That means over the course of the 6 days since I cracked the book, or 5 running days, I ran 27 miles, more than I have ever run in a week in my life. Pain-free, stress-free.

Klingler shares "case studies" for many of the words. The Trigger Word that resonated with that I used immediately was "abdominals" which she had given to someone with chronic back pain. I actually have strong abs, and had never suffered back pain prior to starting running a few weeks ago. The minute I read the word I knew that it would make a difference in how I carried myself while I ran. Beyond the lack of lower back pain, I also have less impact on all my joints, run more smoothly and use it throughout my runs as my lift-off button.

Equally exciting for me to test was the Lifting Word "freedom," which I use when I start thinking about how much farther I have to go. This word turns a light on in my brain and has me move more fluidly and with joy in my heart. It reminds me that running as long and as fast as I can is my choice. "Freedom" is my favorite power tool in my brand new running toolbox.

If you have a situation in your life, whether physical, spiritual or mental, there are Power Words to guide you, buoy you, help heal you, or jump start any area of your life.

And, what a great way to spring into 2014! In fact, one of Klingler's foreign Power Word offerings is "Annus Mirabilis," which literally means "year of miracles." Even that two-word phrase could carry catapulting power for someone who has a hard time with starting a new year.

I wish for all to have a year of miracles. This book could just flip the switch to light the way.

Find Power Words: Igniting Your Life with Lightning Force on Amazon at:

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