'The Bachelor' Final Rose -- Why Ben Would Pick Lauren B or JoJo

We decided to make a list of reasons why we think he could pick each girl. Who do you think will become the future Mrs. Ben Higgins?
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After watching The Bachelor: The Women Tell All we're on the edge of our seats waiting for the finale. But, while many viewers think the final rose recipient and Ben's future fiancé will be Lauren B., there is still a strong chance it could be JoJo. We decided to make a list of reasons why we think he could pick each girl. Who do you think will become the future Mrs. Ben Higgins? Tune in Monday to ABC to watch and make all your Bachelor predictions on Sage.

Reasons it could be Lauren B.

1. She's a flight attendant so you know she's pretty cool and will be down for fun adventures in the future.

2. Her family was so nice to Ben and Lauren's really close to her family, which he admires.

3. Ben cried to her sister when she asked him about their relationship. A sweet cry, not a scared or upset cry.

4. Ben can't handle JoJo's intimidating family.

5. Lauren's down to go hot-tubbing no matter where it is.

Reasons it could be JoJo:

1. JoJo and Ben seem to really have a real relationship, tables falling over before helicopter rides, making jokes together, gettting chased by pigs and dealing with awkward ex-boyfriends who show up.

2. JoJo's brothers will really toughen up Ben.

3. She had the best reaction when Ben told her he loved her.

4. Lauren wore just one too many crop tops and Ben realized his abs will never be as good.

5. He'll always get to give directions when they go somewhere.

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