To Like or Not Like Hill, Despite Bill

To Like or Not Like Hill, Despite Bill
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At the Lucky Dog bar and grill on Main Street in Plymouth, New Hampshire, this Sunday night's special included a new item: Bill Clinton. The visit surprised most locals who had come to the spot to eat, drink and watch playoff football.

Rebecca and her daughter Thomasina Weekes committed to Hillary back when she had helped then Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton run for president.

"It's almost like I've known her for years," said Rebecca Weekes. "I've gotten to know her."

Both women stressed Hillary's experience and leadership as reasons to vote for her. And they agreed that Obama's followers did not question him as much as they should.

"What has Obama done?" said Rebecca. "He talks about change, but what has he done?"

Thomasina looked at the situation differently.

"He'd (Obama) be a great candidate if we weren't in such dire straits," she said. "Its important to have experience and leadership."

Unlike the Weekes, Robert Melanson sat at the bar and ate a cheese burger. He did not support Hillary Clinton, but stayed to catch a glimpse of the former president.

"I'm voting for McCain," said Melanson. "But Bill's not a bad guy."

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