What to Look Forward to as a Senior

Britney Spears said it best with "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman." We seniors are standing at this awkward intersection, but there is so much to look forward to this year and beyond.
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Another semester has kicked off and the class of 2015 can officially call themselves seniors. Whether this is your third senior year or you are graduating early (sigh), being the oldest on campus has got us all feeling some type of way. My friends and I have talked about this weird ubiquitous black cloud that seems to be hanging over our heads. I think we are all feeling a little down about being the campus elders. In an effort to always see the bright side, which can be hard when the gray Ithaca weather hits, I have made a list of cool happenings that college seniors can look forward to.

  1. Camaraderie

I swear there is a special solidarity between seniors. Everyone seems to forget where you lived freshman year, if you transferred, what Greek organization you belong to, and other seemingly superficial ways of categorizing your fellow classmates. Instead, you bond over what your favorite late night order is after a night out at the cool bar that only seniors can get into. That is friendship right there.

  • Support from career services
    Weekly freak-outs at your schools' career center -- yeah, we all do it. But now when you are a senior looking for full time positions, you are at the top of the food chain. Your senior needs will always trump the "after junior year internship" seekers.
  • Questionable fashion choices
    Because who cares? You are a senior and you get to decide if bucket hats paired with a fur vest look hot (it does).
  • Scheduling classes
    Friday classes aren't happening for your senior year. Plus, take that class called Adventures in Icelandic Family Sagas because you finally have time. At this point I pray you are done with your economics requirements.
  • Bar crawls
    Every school seems to have bar crawls for seniors. But you don't need to crawl. Leave that to freshmen. Seniors can bar strut because we can actually hold ourselves together at this point.
  • Using your LinkedIn Premium trial
    Admit it. You have been saving it for senior year.
  • The real world
    You know it is coming up, and senior year is a practice run. Dressing up for interviews, taking care of your body, and fostering meaningful relationships are all things you have to look forward to after graduation. Why not get a head start while it's still kind of acceptable to do them while being hung-over.
  • Being a source of wisdomAt this point in my college career, I have been lucky to have so many older kids to ask for advice. I look forward to paying it back because I know how helpful other students have been for me.
  • If you hear your friends calling themselves SWUGs (senior washed up girl/guy) remind them to embrace this unique standing in life. It is the last year to live with somewhat limited responsibilities as a college student, while knowing you will soon be the fresh faces in the working world.

    Britney Spears said it best with "I'm not a girl, not yet a woman." We seniors are standing at this awkward intersection, but there is so much to look forward to this year and beyond.

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