Address Jobs Crisis With Bipartisan Telecom Policy

Address Jobs Crisis With Bipartisan Telecom Policy
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I'm one of those progressives who thinks that our jobs crisis is a lot more troubling than the deficit "crisis" driving all of the budget brinksmanship these days (thank you, Paul Krugman). But rather than bang my head against the budget wall in Washington, I decided to put down my partisan fists long enough to collaborate with my sometimes-TV-talking-head nemesis, Brad Blakeman (Bush White House, Fox News) and present an idea that actually might help some of our friends and neighbors still unemployed and suffering.

Brad and I think that bypassing Congress altogether and driving forward-looking telecom and tech policy at the FCC has bipartisan support and could have a major impact on the economy and job growth. We published our thoughts today in POLITICO. Let me know what you think...

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