My Anti-Bullying Crusade: What's Next?!

I have committed to slowing down, and to focus on this one school where we can really button up our anti-bullying program. And once we are ready we will take it to other schools.
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We've officially completed two school visits and I was literally running on a high for the month of June after spending time at Century Academy For Excellence Middle School with the amazing students.

I left the last assembly feeling invigorated, excited, motivated and felt that my heart was opened big and wide and I looked up to the sky and said "Bring it on! Give me more!" I felt ready to take on another school, and then another, wanting to help as many kids as possible!!

In my enthusiastic haze I began moving like a robot, laser focused on "more!" and I started moving very quickly through life. And what happens when we move to fast? We make mistakes. We crash into things. We stop thinking before acting.

And this was me until a few amazing people in my life brought me back to earth, told me to slow down, to think before speaking, think before doing. I was told that my enthusiasm is what's going to keep this charity going 20 years from now, but unless The Farley Project is built on a stable foundation, it will crumble. And that's certainly not what I want.

I need to take a moment and just be grateful. It seems that during my life when I get these sudden intuitive urges to create things, the Universe brings forth people to really help make them happen. It happened with my PR agency, I have an unbelievable partner (my sister), business manager (my dad) a brilliantly talented staff and amazing clients.

And now with The Farley Project, there are some incredible ambassadors who have stepped up to the plate to help. We have a school here in LA that is working as our partner, and we have committed to go in once a month and work with the kids to really make a difference. Different brands have been approaching us for sponsorship and want to get involved in our Farley Project Friends program, it's all so good. And I need to just slow down, breathe and not be in such a hurry to run all over the country like a crazy woman going into every school. That will come. Oh how this is a lesson in patience. Something that certainly does not come easily to me.

So I'm left scratching my head asking "What's next?!" Why is it so hard to slow down? Why is it so hard to pace myself? The intension behind it is good, but unless I slow down I will certainly burn out.

After our last assembly with the students in Inglewood, they invited me to their talent show the following evening. When I arrived at the school a few of the students looked at me and yelled "Hey! We're Farley Project Friends!" and the tears started. When I got into the performance hall that was hot and sweaty but filled with the energy of hope, my tears just kept streaming down my face. I was watching these kids on stage performing their little hearts out. They don't have an arts or theater department at the school, and this is the one time during the year where the kids get a chance to really shine, and show what's inside. I was crying watching these kids because I know they need help. The guidance counselor and teachers at this school are so amazing, because they are doing whatever they can to give these kids a fighting chance. Come the fall and throughout the school year we plan on going in every month and bringing in workshops and professional artists and musicians to work with the kids and let them shine. And the only thing the students need to do in return to take part in these programs is use their hearts. This is The Farley Project Friends program.

So I have committed to slowing down, and to focus on this one school where we can really button up our anti-bullying program. And once we are ready we will take it to other schools. I want to help as many people as I possibly can -- after all, isn't that why we're here?

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