April Fools Day

"I'm thinking to myself, 'That's a lie.'
A man received a lottery ticket on April Fools' Day from his mother, like you might expect, it was a big winner... only it wasn’t an April Fools' joke.
Vice President Joe Biden revealed how his wife, Dr. Jill Biden, pulled off an amazing April Fool's Day prank. Biden said April Fool's Day is "like a tradition" for his wife's family.
Netflix seems to be very aware that, sometimes, its movie categories are a bit too precise in pinpointing exactly what we want to watch. For April Fool's Day, Netflix added to each user's account a tongue-in-cheek movie or TV show category. What, you thought the company's algorithm looked at your viewing history and spit out "Movies Starring Estelle Getty and Some Other Guy"?
Several breakfast items make the list, and we're not talking about decadent French toast.