
Mankell wrote some 50 novels and numerous plays, selling more than 40 million copies worldwide.
"You look at this country and you look at this world and you need to understand it in complex ways."
"By deciding to focus her books on the victim, Ann Rule reinvented the true crime genre and earned the trust of millions of readers."
Keep on keeping on, Christie. If you're a fan of romance novels, check out her books. And if you love her books or are already a fan, let me say -- "That's my cousin."
Blogs are a great way to get started, particularly if you are a non-fiction author as you already have your book to re-purpose content into a blog or to use your book as an idea generator for your blogs.
It almost seems antithetical that Blackness and Coolness are as interwoven as they are given the short shrift Black life has always been given in this nation. In Rebecca Walker's most recent offering, Black Cool, she holds an open dialogue on the question: What is Black Cool?
In all of publishing and probably much of the world, there's just nobody else like Jack Macrae, the American publisher of Hilary Mantel's Wolf Hall, which just won the Booker.