Kate McKinnon

Kyle Mooney's Santa complains before the coronavirus expert that the COVID vaccine has made his testicles balloon to the size of grapes.
Chris Rock, the host for the season premiere, recalled in a cameo that Donald Trump vowed COVID-19 would disappear and then got it the week the comedian was on the show.
McKinnon's Cheney is perplexed by her lack of support. "I am everything a conservative woman is supposed to be: blond, mean," she explained.
"At least you can agree this country has made a lot of progress," Alex Moffat's character said in a spoof news broadcast.
Chloe Fineman's Britney Spears grills "social pariahs of the week" in another episode of her fictional talk show "Oops, You Did It Again."
Jonas performed two singles from his about-to-be-released solo album in his debut as host — and musical guest.
“This underground cabal ... who’s part of it? How do you get an invite? Is it reservations or open table?" wondered Kate McKinnon.