Kathy Griffin

"I’m busy on tour right now or I’d dress up as you: a dumb, racist, and talentless hack,” Griffin replied.
Kathy Griffin criticized Twitter for allowing the suspected pipe bomber to stay on its platform.
Apparently, when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez became speaker of the House, it spelled the end for Trump.
Kathy Griffin chimed in after Ariel Dumas said she regretted her "tone-deaf attempt at sarcasm."
"If you think I'm angry now, you just wait until I get on that Supreme Court."
The conservative commentator told the former first lady to "sit down" after Obama called her husband, Barack, a "great president."
The comedian turned down a Fox News interview with Lahren saying, "Not only do I not want to waste my time with you, I’m too busy selling out shows on my US tour."
If this is how we are making people pay “penance in the #MeToo era,” it’s "pathetic,” Griffin said.
"Celebrating the Manafort and Cohen verdicts...topless, naturally," Griffin tweeted.