Larry David

"He’s the only person in the world I could say that line to," the "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star told Jimmy Kimmel.
The curmudgeonly comedian said that Obama’s assistant probably found his reaction “insane.”
The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star pulled such a Larry David move in greeting the superstar quarterback at the Kentucky Derby.
The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star "doesn't want to be hemmed in by societal norms," Danson told Conan O'Brien.
Her new book of essays, “No One Asked for This," details how the aftermath of her breakup with Davidson became a "pivotal moment" in her life.
The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star met Underwood, a producer, in 2017.
Jeff Schaffer mocked the president for not recognizing that he was actually the butt of a joke in a "Curb Your Enthusiasm" scene.
The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star called it "crazy crazy."
The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star has a blunt message for the age of COVID-19.