Paul McCartney

The Foo Fighters frontman shared the cute story while co-hosting “The Tonight Show” with Jimmy Fallon.
The legendary Beatle almost quit the 2018 project multiple times, even on the morning of the shoot, recalled "The Late Late Show" host.
Paul Muldoon told the story of how the legendary Beatle pretended to be Trump in a 2016 phone call.
The former Beatle's upcoming book, “The Lyrics: 1956 to the Present,” will trace his life through 154 songs.
The Beatle also discussed a certain Taylor Swift secret sure to make any Swiftie jealous.
“The Late Late Show” host hit the president with a reworked version of the Beatles singer's “Maybe I’m Amazed."
An amusing new theory about "Wonderful Christmastime" is going viral.
The Beatles legend revisited his relationship with John Lennon on "The Late Show."
The singer's Netflix concert and documentary film had been nominated for six Creative Arts Emmys; it didn't snag a single one.
It was a zillion years ago today, Sgt. Pepper taught the band to play.